Accident and incident management
Many organisations aspire to achieve Zero Harm in their schools and work places. Effective preventative measures and learning from any accidents and incidents is vital.
Accident and incident management
Many organisations aspire to achieve Zero Harm in their schools and work places. Effective preventative measures and learning from any accidents and incidents is vital.
See the big picture
Dashboards and reports enable you to manage your accident and incident data including RIDDOR information. Accident Pyramid reports and Accident Frequency Rate reports help you with your analysis.
Recording incidents on a map and/or plan makes it easy to see where they’ve occurred and to visually identify clusters. If you’re also recording assets and facilities or maintenance requests then identifying environmental or building related causal factors becomes even easier.
Better incident management
You and your staff are able to record new accidents and incidents quickly and efficiently. Associate photographs and other documents with each incident to give you a complete history of it.