Download the latest resources
from Altuity

AltoSites Brochure
Download the AltoSites brochure to understand the benefits it can bring to managing your school or workplace maintenance, asset and compliance needs. These assets can be physical or intangible ones such as insurances, leases and contracts.

Case Study: Churchill Academy And Sixth Form
Read how Churchill Academy and Sixth Form have saved time and money by using AltoSites for their asset, maintenance and compliance needs.

Case Study: Tops Day Nurseries
With 40 sites to manage the geographical dispersed maintenance team and management faced several challenges. Read this case study to see how Tops improved response times, were able to better coordinate and allocate work resulting in improved service levels.

Case Study: The Dales school
Read how The Dales school, a specialist primary school, split across two sites keeps control of their assets and compliance needs.

Case Study: Derwen College
Improving maintenance and compliance processes was a key priority for the college’s estates and faclities teams. Improving communication and understanding with other colleagues was also a key focus. Read how AltoSites has helped achieve these objectives.

Improving the management of Indoor Air Quality
Read this document to find out why COVID should be far from the only issue driving FMs, school business managers and bursars to understand and improve the management of indoor air quality. Discover how IoT enabled IAQ monitors, integrated into an asset database, can help you take better decisions.

Embodied carbon – the hidden risk to achieving your net zero targets
This eBook is for facilities managers, school business managers and site staff who’d like an introduction to embodied carbon. We explain what it is and why any professional managing buildings and assets needs to take it into account. Not doing so will impact on an organisation’s ability to achieve net zero.

Reducing School Capital and Maintenance Costs
In this eBook discover how shared services can help provide better value for money in capital and maintenance programmes.With a focus on schools and academies in Multi-Academy Trusts, Federations, Chains or other forms of collaboration this eBook explores how shared services can benefit smaller groupings of schools as well as larger ones.

School and Workplace Maintenance Management
Read this white paper to discover a new perspective on school and workplace maintenance management software – one in which ‘Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication’.
School Business Managers, asset managers, site and facilities managers can now benefit from a highly visual, spatial approach to managing assets in an easily accessible and affordable way.

7 Ways New Software is Transforming Premises Compliance
Read this eBook to discover 7 ways new software technology is benefiting SBM’s, Bursars, asset, facilities and premises managers.

How Visualisation Benefits Multi-School Asset Management
Read this eBook to discover how the increased use of data visualisation benefits SBM’s, bursars, asset, facilities and premises managers.

A step back from the cutting edge
In this article in AECNext the editor explores how we’re introducing technological innovation to the FM sector – especially to the education and SME markets.It describes how the use of fit-for-purpose technology, such as 360 degree photospheres and meta-Augmented Reality, can improve the way buildings and assets are maintained.
*Please note there’s no download – simply click the image to read the article.
Managing information overload
In this article, published in The Educator magazine, we explore how management information systems can help facilities managers and school business managers better cope with information overload.
*Please note there’s no download – simply click the image to read the article.
Retrofit infographic
This infographic illustrates key statistics relating to the challenge facing the retrofit industry if it’s to scale up to help achieve the UK’s Net Zero targets.
AltoSUE Brochure
Download the AltoSUE brochure to see the subsurface utility engineering benefits AltoSUE can bring to the management of your underground assets and buried services.

Daylighting Underground Assets
Read this white paper to discover how to improve site safety and operating efficiency by adopting a life cycle approach to recording and accessing underground asset data both on and offsite.

Infographic: Damage to underground assets
This infographic summarises statistics related to work and damage on underground assets and buried services in the UK.

CAD User magazine in March / April 2015 discussed Subsurface Utility Engineering (SUE) and AltoSUE including a look at tagging and the wider challenges and opportunities of improving the management of underground assets.