Facilities management software for MATs, schools and colleges helps create safe and effective learning environments. Our facilities management software helps school business managers and leaders, bursars, facilities managers and estates staff proactively manage education buildings and estates.
Good estates management in schools, colleges and universities helps provide safe and effective learning environments. Our software helps school business managers and leaders, bursars, facilities managers and estates staff proactively manage education buildings and estates.

Academies, maintained secondaries, free schools and primary schools
The Good Estates Management Guide for schools from the Department of Education sets out the principles for effectively managing school buildings and estates.
The move to academies and free schools means that school leaders and governors directly manage their resources and systems. It’s more important than ever to use cost effective solutions to help maintain school buildings, estates, assets and manage school inventory.
Whether you need software to help manage and maintain your physical assets and inventory; inspection and compliance needs; school condition data; contract renewals, vehicles or accidents and incidents our modular based approach can help you.
Independent schools
Bursars and estates staff in pre-prep, prep and later years independent schools need to maintain school buildings, estates, assets and ensure compliance with statutory school inspection requirements.
Being able to evidence these for audit and ISI inspection purposes is critically important.
From small pre-prep schools through to larger independent schools our software will help you maintain a high quality and appealing estate.
Multi-Academy Trusts
With multiple schools in its portfolio a multi-academy trust (MAT) faces the challenges of understanding the condition of its whole school estate; managing planned and reactive maintenance; maintaining compliance and potentially managing other assets such as vehicles; contracts; leases and insurances etc.
Whether the MAT is operating on a devolved or centralised basis the allocation and tracking of scarce resources is critical. Effective communication and collaboration becomes increasingly challenging as a MAT grows especially with geographically dispersed schools. Our built in dashboard and collaboration suite help you meet these challenges.
Facilities managers and estate teams in colleges face the same challenges and pressures as those in larger establishments. However, budgets are often more limited and you may not require the complexity nor overheads of operating an enterprise level CAFM.
We offer a fit-for-purpose and fit-for-budget software solution for these education establishments.
Our software will help you plan preventative maintenance; track and manage reactive maintenance; manage assets and contract renewals and ensure statutory inspection regimes are adhered to.