Reduce accidental damage
Service strikes can lead to injury or death as well as service interruption. Underground assets are increasingly difficult to detect using traditional techniques and protecting them becomes challenging. Direct and indirect damage costs can be significant.
AltoSUE offers a variety of location methods such as GPS, geo-tagged photographs and passive RFiD (Remote Frequency Identification) tags. This means you can adopt a method best suited to the asset and its risk of damage. Real time updates from the field enable you to track and monitor progress as well as the quality of work being undertaken.

Minimise risk & disruption, improve quality control
With passive RFiD, you have a fast, cost effective and accurate means of locating underground assets to within a spade’s width. This reduces the risk of service strikes and delivers greater control of construction costs; reduces traffic congestion and reputational risk to your brand.
Real time updates enable you to see what’s happening on site providing improved quality control by identifying issues much quicker and potentially before backfill and reinstatement takes place.