Roof inspections and maintenance
Companies providing roof inspection and maintenance services as well as facilities managers benefit from easy, intuitive access to roof condition and inspection information.
Roof inspections and maintenance
Companies providing roof inspection and maintenance services as well as facilities managers benefit from easy, intuitive access to roof condition and inspection information.

Walk your roof from your desktop
Service providers and facilities managers can use plans, aerial images, for example from drone surveys, and 360 degree photospheres to manage roof information. Roof asset, condition and maintenance information can be seen in its real-world location making it much easier to understand.
The ability to virtually ‘walk’ the roof using the 360 degree imagery is a powerful feature. It’s easier and safer than gaining access to the roof. It creates a collaborative experience for service providers to engage with their customers and for facilities managers to use internally e.g. to gain approvals and sign off.

Managing your roof in 2D and 360 degrees

A close up view of a drone image overlaid on a plan showing point based data and polygon data e.g. the area of a roof to be repaired.
Your roof maintenance jobs and roof inspection regimes can all be managed and scheduled from within AltoSites.