Altuity ranks in PropTech50 listing

Altuity ranks in PropTech50 listing

Altuity ranks in PropTech50 listing. The PropTech50 innovation ranking for 2024 was produced by BusinessCloud. Readers of the online technology publication and an expert judging panel together decided the 50 most innovative companies blazing a technology trail in...
PropTech50 Innovation listing for Altuity

PropTech50 Innovation listing for Altuity

Altuity facilities and asset management software is ranked in PropTech50 Innovation listing for the second year running. Altuity jumped to rank at 8th amongst other industry leaders. Readers of Business Cloud’s online technology publication, an independent...
New cleaning management software

New cleaning management software

PRESS RELEASE  As a result of Coronavirus cleaning activities have an even greater impact on the wellbeing of people in a building. The users of the building, cleaning teams, site and facilities staff are all are affected. Creating the right level of assurance and...
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